FAQ: Google Invisible reCaptcha

Google Invisible reCaptcha
Does your reCaptcha extension have "I'm not a robot" functionality?

"I`m not a robot" option is not available in our extension, since it is an absolutely different type of Google captcha.

Read the full answer to get a more information. 

How to generate a Site Key and a Secret Key?

Site and Secret Keys will be generated after selecting the Invisible reCAPTCHA option in the form of registration for a new site.

Proceed to the full answer to get a step-by-step guide.

How to get a site key and a secret key for Invisible ReCaptcha?

To configure the Google Invisible ReCaptcha extension you will need a site key and a secret key. Follow this short guide to get them correctly.

1. Open this page and fill in the name of your website;

2. Select the Invisible ReCaptcha option from the list of the available variants;

3. Specify the domain of your website;

4. Tick the Terms of Service checkbox;

5. Hit the Register button.

Now, you can copy the keys from this page to your Google Invivisble ReCaptcha configuration section.

How to understand that the extension works correctly?

The badge of the reCaptcha will appear after clicking the "Submit" or "Send" buttons only.

Read the full answer to get a complete instruction for.

I'm getting "incorrect CAPTCHA" error message trying to submit the account registration form.

The error message isn't connected with the work of our module captcha. Read the full answer to get more information.

Is Amasty Google Invisible reCapcha compatible with the Quick Ajax Login extension?

No, Google Invisible reCapcha doesn't work with our Quick Ajax Login extension. Read the full answer to get more information.

The form is submitted and the badge of CAPTCHA appears, but you are not redirected to the successful page in magento.

It may be caused by a third party CAPTCHA. Read the full answer to get more information.

Does Amasty Google Invisible reCaptcha work on a checkout page?

Unfortunately, since version 2.1.1 our extension does not support checkout pages. Proceed to the full answer to get more information.

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