FAQ: Abandoned Cart Email

Abandoned Cart Email
Are there any ready-to-use email templates?

Yes, you will get a ready-to-use templates in the extension package. Additionally, you can create as many email template styles as you need. There are also advanced options that will make your emails even better: it’s possible to display variables like size, color, etc. as well as use format manager to display currency, dates, price and time.

Can further reminders be cancelled if a customer places an order after the first reminder in magento?

Magento email notifications can be disabled automatically. For this, you need to set cancel conditions in the rule configuration. Go on reading to see the example.

Can I have different rules for reminders in different store views?

Yes, each rule can be applied to all or only some store views.

Can I send a coupon code in a reminder email?

Yes, you can create rules according to which coupons will be sent.

Can I track abandoned shopping carts in Magento using SugarCRM?

As every checkout step taken by user can be recorded in the SugarCRM opportunities/cases status, you can see at what stage the cart was left. This tool is available in the Bridge version 1.3 and higher.

Can I use Google Analytics utm tagging?

Yes, you can track the shopping cart abandonment statistics. With the use of Google Analytics, you can receive Magento abandoned cart report. To see the screenshot go on reading.

Does abandoned cart email contain pics of the items in the customer’s cart?

Yes, sure, product images will be automatically added to the email.

Does AJAX email capture work with One Step Checkout extensions?

Our Abandoned Cart Email module is compatible with the overwhelming majority of 3-d party extensions. But in case any issues occur - our support team will instantly help you to solve them.

The module is 100% compatible with our One Step Checkout extension.

Does this Abandoned Cart Email extension work with guest checkout?

Yes, Magento Abandoned Cart extension allows for sending guest emails to not registered visitors and visitors uncompleted a purchase.

How many abandoned carts are allowed per customer?

Only one abandoned cart at a time is supported. Read on to see all the details.

How many abandoned carts can be recovered by one user?

One customer can recover a limitless number of abandoned carts by default. Though, using the abandoned cart settings you can restrict the number. Read on to see the settings.

How to align images to the top in the table-mode?
To align pictures to the top in a table-mode some changes have been made in this file /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/amacart/table.phtml. Now it is possible to adjust height of the description block (line 33 height:60px was added). How to...
How to use debug mode in the extension?

Debug mode is a useful tool that allows you to check why emails are not being sent out. Please proceed to the full answer to get a step-by-step guide.

What's required for the extension to work?

For correct work of the module you will need to set up a cron job. Read more about Magento Cron.

While sending reminders from the Test tab, I get all the emails at once and they don’t meet the conditions. What’s the problem?
There is no reason to worry as this is how test reminders work. No conditions are checked for them and all scheduled abandoned cart emails are sent at once.
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