AJAX Layered Navigation Magento 2: The Secret to 'ROI' Success

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According to a Store Leads report by , Magento 2 AJAX Layered Navigation by Amasty takes 1st place in the top-10 popular Magento apps. With a total of 15,610 stores actively leveraging it, our product outperforms the runner-up (with ~5,000 users) by over 10,000 customers.

The success of the Layered Navigation extension is undeniable and we’re certainly proud of it. But if you’re not using our best-selling module yet, you have reasons to wonder: why is it so popular?

Let us try to answer this question in the next few paragraphs.

The ‘ROI’ of Magento Layered Navigation

Many of Amasty’s clients approach us with one and the same goal in mind: growth. Whether they have just started a Magento business or have owned it for quite some time already, many customers seek a propelling power to boost their sales and conversions.

From our experience of developing e-commerce products and providing all-round optimization services, we know that there are 3 crucial ‘ROI’ elements of an online store for considerably improving your sales:

  • Robust AJAX filtering system  
  • Optimization for search engines 
  • Impeccable user experience 

And fact is, Amasty’s Magento 2 Layered Navigation extension offers all these 3 enhancements out-of-the-box.

Robust AJAX Filtering System

You may know your catalog like the back of your hand but trust us – it’s a complete maze for your clients, who may not have the patience to find what you do offer. Magento 2 AJAX filters in Layered Navigation were designed with this truth in mind and aim at catering your offer to customers’ needs.

Our module helps you to expand on the built-in Magento filters, introducing dozens of new and fully customizable brand, category, and product filtering. Driven by AJAX, the system displays the narrowed down results instantly, without page reload. This way, your potential clients easily sort out your collection of items and quickly find what exactly they are looking to buy.

Optimization for Search Engines

Many people would be glad to shop at your store, they just don’t know it exists. Amasty’s Magento 2 Layered Navigation actively supports your efforts in increasing organic traffic and leading new customers to your storefront.

With our Layered Navigation extension, you can push your website up in SERP ranks by: 

  • Generating SEO-friendly URLs for brand pages.
  • Customizing URL aliases for Magento filter options.
  • Creating dedicated pages for specific filter results.
  • Automatically adding unique metadata for all store pages.

Amasty's SEO expert, Vadim Skudrov, says:

“Online businesses often underestimate the importance of optimizing each and every existing page on a store. Crafting unique meta descriptions, titles, and URLs for a website with hundreds or thousands of products may seem like a daunting task, but actually doing it is a large green flag for Google. Our Layered Navigation helps you achieve significant position and traffic growth with minimal effort for optimization”.

Impeccable User Experience

Visitors abandon confusing websites without a second thought. To persuade them to stay in your store, you need to make their experience enjoyable every step of the journey. Layered Navigation’s compliance with ADA & WCAG standards makes the Magento storefront extremely intuitive and accessible even for visitors with sight or hearing disabilities. 

What’s more – the extension offer dynamic AJAX navigation. It lazy-loads images and minimizes data exchange with the back end, pushing the processing of all user actions to the front. With this, every user interaction becomes extremely fast, smooth, and simple.

Real Sales Boosting Results

Powered by AJAX, Layered Navigation Magento 2 supercharges built-in filters, backs up SEO efforts, boosts speed, and guarantees accessibility. When combined, all these factors positively affect e-commerce businesses. In Amasty's expeience, enhancing our customers’ Magento 2 custom product collection with Layered Navigation helps to achieve at least a 2.3x increase in sales within only 3 months.

Ready to get the same results or achieve even better growth? Join over 15,600 successful store owners, who already use Amasty’s Layered Navigation – and reap the benefits of its sales boosting capabilities.

August 29, 2023
August 31, 2023
August 22, 2023
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